Choral services

Sung prayer has been offered in Westminster Abbey nearly every day for over a thousand years. Today, services are sung daily during term time by the world-renowned Choir of Westminster Abbey, and by visiting choirs when the Abbey Choir is in recess.

The music sung ranges from Gregorian chant dating from the first millennium to contemporary music and encompasses the remarkable richness and variety of the Anglican choral tradition.

This week's choral services

7th - 13th July 2024
Sunday, 7th July 2024
Sixth Sunday after Trinity
11.00am Matins Quire
attended by The Lord Mayor of Westminster in Civic State; sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey

Bruckner Locus iste a Deo factus est
Morley Responses
Howells Collegium Regale
Parry I was glad
Widor Toccata (Symphonie V)

Preacher: Father Christopher Colven Chaplain to the Lord Mayor of Westminster

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3.00pm Evensong Quire
sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey

Bairstow Jesu, the very thought of thee
Morley Responses
Jackson in G
Stanford Beati quorum via
Stanford Postlude in D minor

Preacher: The Reverend Dr Alvyn Pettersen Honorary Chaplain, University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford, and Canon Emeritus, Worcester Cathedral

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6.00pm Sung Eucharist with Valediction of a Chorister St Margaret's Church
sung by the St Margaret's Choristers and Consort

Byrd Mass for four voices
Hassler O sacrum convivium
Byrd Fantasia in A minor

Preacher: The Reverend Robert Latham Sacrist

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Monday, 8th July 2024
5.00pm Evensong Quire
sung by the Choristers

Handel How beautiful are the feet
plainsong Responses
Robinson in C
Handel Let the bright seraphim

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Tuesday, 9th July 2024
The Burial of Lady Margaret Beaufort, 1509
5.00pm Evensong Quire
sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey; attended by HE The High Commissioner for The Bahamas

attr Farrant Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Clucas Responses
Wise in E flat
Mendelssohn Hear my prayer

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Thursday, 11th July 2024
St Benedict, Abbot of Montecassino, father of western monasticism, c 550
5.00pm Evensong Quire
sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey

attr Farrant Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Clucas Responses
Howells Westminster Service
Palestrina Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes

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Friday, 12th July 2024
5.00pm Evensong Quire
sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey

attr Farrant Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Clucas Responses
Victoria Magnificat primi toni
Victoria Nunc dimittis tertii toni
Harris Bring us, O Lord God

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Saturday, 13th July 2024
5.00pm Evensong Quire
sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey

attr Farrant Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Clucas Responses
Howells Dallas Service
Martin Behold now, praise the Lord
MacMillan Toccata

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Everyone is welcome at these services, free of charge. Security checks are in place upon entry.