Regular services

Sung Eucharist

This is a service of Word and Sacrament in which the Holy Scriptures are read, a sermon is preached, prayers are offered, and bread and wine are consecrated and received as the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Glass jugs of water and wine with a silver chalice


See the calendar below for upcoming Sung Eucharist services.


Entry is via the Great West Door.

Sung Eucharist times

7th - 13th July 2024
Sunday, 7th July 2024
Sixth Sunday after Trinity
6.00pm Sung Eucharist with Valediction of a Chorister St Margaret's Church
sung by the St Margaret's Choristers and Consort

Byrd Mass for four voices
Hassler O sacrum convivium
Byrd Fantasia in A minor

Preacher: The Reverend Robert Latham Sacrist

View Order of Service

Everyone is welcome at these services, free of charge. Security checks are in place upon entry.