St Edward the Confessor storyboard

Key stage

KS2; KS3




St Edward the Confessor


PPT (11mb), PDF (11mb)

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Photograph of the chapel screen depicting scenes from the life of St Edward the Confessor


Take the time to examine and reinterpret the life and legends of St Edward the Confessor with this cross-curricular storyboard activity for KS2 and KS3. Pupils will learn how the chapel screen within Westminster Abbey acts as a historical storyboard before creating their own.

It is advised that pupils have worked through one of Westminster Abbey’s St Edward the Confessor lessons or have access to the St Edward the Confessor factsheet prior to this task.

Learning objectives

  • To learn about the life and legends of St Edward the Confessor by studying the 14 scenes depicted on the chapel screen
  • To complete their own storyboard about the life and legends of St Edward the Confessor