Celebrating the Sacraments: Eucharist

Key stage



Religious Education




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Photograph of an illuminated manuscript showing the Eucharist, representing a Westminster Abbey lesson on the Eucharist for KS4 classes


Examine the role, meaning and significance of the Eucharist, one of the Christian sacraments, in this detailed lesson. After considering the different denominational views of sacraments, this presentation focuses on the Anglican significance and symbolism of the bread, wine, music and words in a Eucharist service. This is accompanied by more detailed teacher notes, designed to fill any gaps in understanding.

Curriculum links

Themes covered in this lesson are aligned to:


  • The role and meaning of the sacraments
  • The role of the Eucharist in the life of a Christian


  • The role and meaning of the sacraments
  • The sacrament of Holy Communion/Eucharist and its significance for Christians, including different ways in which it is celebrated and different interpretations of its meaning


  • The role of the sacraments in Christian life and their practice in two denominations
  • The nature and importance of the meaning and celebration of the Eucharist in at least two denominations, including reference to the 39 Articles XXV