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12 results found
The Wedding of William and Kate
Relive the wedding day of Prince William and Kate Middleton, from the moment the guests arrive to the moment the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.
Truth in the Public Square
Lecture given by Claire Foster-Gilbert, Westminster Abbey Institute, at the 2015 conference of the Newbigin House of Studies Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 15th July 2015.
Abbey congratulates Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Monday, 23rd April 2018
The Dean and Chapter of Westminster congratulates the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son.
Abbey Congratulates Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Friday, 5th July 2013
The Dean & Chapter of Westminster congratulates the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son.
Royal Weddings
When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were married at Westminster Abbey in April 2011, they followed a long line of British royal weddings.
Fellows' programme
Westminster Abbey Institute offers a year-long programme in servant leadership for up to 20 public servants who are moving into senior roles.
33rd Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture
Thursday, 24th May 2018
Speaker: The Reverend Richard Coles FKC, Vicar of Finedon, Northamptonshire
A Westminster-apátságrövid története
A Westminster-apátság 1066 óta, amikor Hódító Vilmos megkoronázása történt, az angol királyok koronázási helye. Számos királyi esküvőnek és temetésnek, valamint nemzeti ünnepnek és megemlékezésnek adott helyszínt.
Duchess of Cambridge to host community carol service at the Abbey
Tuesday, 30th November 2021
A Christmas service hosted by HRH The Duchess of Cambridge to celebrate inspirational individuals will take place at the Abbey on Wednesday 8th December..
Charles Gore Lecture 2024
Wednesday, 18th September 2024
Catherine Pickstoc. the Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, gives the annual Charles Gore Memorial lecture
The capacity to hope is common to human experience, and often confounds easy answers.
Duchess of Cambridge hosts Christmas carol service at Abbey
Wednesday, 8th December 2021
The service, Together at Christmas, was hosted by The Duchess and was also attended by HRH Princess Beatrice of York and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi; HRH The Countess of Wessex; and Mr.