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195 results found, displaying page 4 of 10
Abbey mourns Canon Tuckwell
Monday, 29th June 2020
The Dean of Westminster today paid tribute to Canon Christopher Tuckwell, former Administrator of Westminster Cathedral who died on June 26th after a long illness.
Institute Book Explores Morality in Public Life
Wednesday, 21st June 2017
A new book exploring issues of ethics and morality in public life is published today (21st June) by the Westminster Abbey Institute.
Evensong to be broadcast live by BBC Radio 3
Tuesday, 1st October 2013
Choral Evensong will be broadcast live from Westminster Abbey by BBC Radio 3 on Wednesday 2 October at 3.30pm.
Symposium: Dignity and Hostility
Thursday, 2nd November 2023
Westminster Abbey Institute brings together a panel of speakers for a lunchtime symposium on Dignity and Hostility.
David Hoyle appointed new Dean of Westminster
Wednesday, 19th June 2019
Her Majesty The Queen has approved the appointment of the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle as the new Dean of Westminster.
James O’Donnell secures role at Yale University
Tuesday, 26th April 2022
James O’Donnell, Organist and Master of the Choristers at Westminster Abbey, has been appointed as Professor in the Yale School of Music and Yale Institute of Sacred Music. He will leave the Abbey this Christmas.
Dean of Westminster to celebrate 40 years as a priest
Tuesday, 21st June 2016
On Monday 4th July at 5.00 pm the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, will preside at a Sung Eucharist in Westminster Abbey to mark the 40th anniversary of his ordination as a priest.
New Choir School Head appointed
Wednesday, 7th June 2023
Dr Emma Margrett, currently Head of the Prep School at Radnor House Sevenoaks, will take on the role of Head of Westminster Abbey Choir School from January 2024.
Abbey Choir sings for Pope in St Peter's
Friday, 29th June 2012
Westminster Abbey’s Choir sang for Pope Benedict XVI, with the Cappella Musicale Pontificia ‘Sistina’, the Sistine Chapel Choir, at the Papal Mass marking the Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul in St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, on Friday 29th June, a historic occasion of great significance for Anglican-Catholic relations.
Dean highlights significance of Vatican visit
Thursday, 26th January 2017
As the Abbey Choir flies back from Rome after a week-long visit to the Vatican, the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall has underlined the ecumenical significance of the trip.
Dean of Westminster appointed Chair of the RSCM
Friday, 27th July 2018
The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, will succeed Lord Gill as the next Chair of the Council of the Royal School of Church Music.
Abbey welcomes Lord Mayor of Westminster
Monday, 6th September 2021
Matins, attended in Civic State by the Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Jonathan Glanz, was held at Westminster Abbey on Sunday 5th September 2021.
Abbey Bookshop Golden Jubilee
Wednesday, 22nd March 2006
The building which now houses the Bookshop was constructed in the 1830s by Edward Blore, Abbey Surveyor, as an office for the Chapter Clerk.
Abbey Celebrates Dean’s Ordination Anniversary
Tuesday, 5th July 2016
A Sung Eucharist to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, was held at Westminster Abbey on Monday 4th July.
New Tower for Westminster Abbey
Thursday, 26th February 2015
Westminster Abbey has been granted planning permission by Westminster City Council to build a new stair and lift tower at the east end of the church. The tower will enable public access for the first time to the Abbey's eastern Triforium, an elevated internal gallery, which is to be transformed into a new museum and exhibition space: The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries. This will be the most significant addition to the building since Nicholas Hawksmoor's iconic west towers were completed in 1745.
Consecration of Bishops at Westminster Abbey
Wednesday, 24th February 2016
The Venerable Karen Gorham, Archdeacon of Buckingham, was ordained and consecrated Bishop of Sherborne in the Diocese of Salisbury; and the Reverend Canon Michael Harrison, Director of Ministry and Mission in the Diocese of Leicester, was ordained and consecrated Bishop of Dunwich in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich at a Eucharist at Westminster Abbey on the Feast of St Matthias the Apostle, Wednesday 24th February 2016.
The Queen’s funeral to be held at Westminster Abbey
Saturday, 10th September 2022
Buckingham Palace has announced that the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will be held at Westminster Abbey at 11am on Monday 19th September.
Emperor of Japan visits Westminster Abbey
Tuesday, 25th June 2024
Their Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Japan visited Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 25th June as part of their State Visit to the United Kingdom.
Westminster Abbey Marks Srebrenica Anniversary
Monday, 6th July 2015
A Solemn Commemoration for Srebrenica Memorial Day was held at Westminster Abbey at Noon on Monday 6th July.
Westminster Abbey to honour Sir Ernest Shackleton
Friday, 12th January 2024
A memorial stone to Sir Ernest Shackleton, one of the most celebrated Antarctic Explorers of the twentieth century, will be dedicated at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 15th February 2024.