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Una breve historia de la Abadía de Westminster
Desde la coronación de Guillermo el Conquistador en 1066, la Abadía ha sido la iglesia de la Coronación. En ella también se han celebrado numerosas bodas y funerales reales, así como celebraciones nacionales y actos conmemorativos.
Breve storia dell'Abbazia di Westminster
Dal 1066, anno di incoronazione di Guglielmo il Conquistatore, l'Abbazia di Westminster è il luogo dove vengono incoronati i sovrani. È stata anche teatro di numerosi matrimoni e funerali reali, ma anche di festeggiamenti nazionali e di commemorazioni.
Krótka historia Opactwa Westminster
Od 1066 roku, czyli od koronacji Wilhelma Zdobywcy, Opactwo Westminster pełni funkcję kościoła koronacyjnego. Odbywa się tu również wiele ślubów i pogrzebów królewskich, a także uroczystości państwowych.
A Westminster-apátságrövid története
A Westminster-apátság 1066 óta, amikor Hódító Vilmos megkoronázása történt, az angol királyok koronázási helye. Számos királyi esküvőnek és temetésnek, valamint nemzeti ünnepnek és megemlékezésnek adott helyszínt.
Краткая история Вестминстерского аббатства
Со времени коронации Вильгельма Завоевателя в 1066 году Вестминстерское аббатство стало национальным местом коронаций монархов. Здесь был проведен ряд королевских свадеб и похорон, а также национальных празднеств и торжеств.
웨스트민스터 사원의 간단한 역사
웨스트민스터 사원은 윌리엄 1세("정복자 윌리엄")의 대관식을 거행한 1066년 이후로 대관식 교회의 역할을 수행해오고 있습니다. 또한 수많은 왕족의 결혼과 장례식, 국가적 축하 및 기념 행사를 개최한 곳이기도 합니다.
تاريخ موجز لدير وستمنستر
كان دير وستمنستر الكنيسة التقليدية لتتويج الملوك والملكات منذ عام 1066 عندما تم تتويج "ويليام الفاتح". كما كان محل استضافة عدد من الأعراس والجنازات الملكية، والاحتفالات الوطنية وفعاليات التأبين.
A History of Royal Burials and Funerals
Find out about the many elaborate royal funerals have taken place in Westminster Abbey prior to burial here.
Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Sir Charles Wheeler CMG
Tuesday, 20th January 2009
A Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Sir Charles Wheeler CMG was held at Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 20th January 2009.
First definitive history of the Abbey published
Wednesday, 9th October 2019
A definitive history book of Westminster Abbey was launched last night to celebrate the 750th anniversary of Henry III’s rebuilding of the church.
Abbey honours 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens
Tuesday, 9th June 2020
Charles Dickens is celebrated with a wreath laying and the release of a film of a sound and light installation which was projected onto the Abbey.
Evensong & Wreathlaying at the grave of Charles Darwin
Thursday, 12th February 2009
Westminster Abbey honoured the memory of Charles Darwin, the naturalist and father of the theory of evolution, with a short service and a floral tribute on the 200th anniversary of his birth.
The Poetics of Life: Life as Poetry
Wednesday, 18th September 2024
Join us in the Abbey as Professor Catherine Pickstock gives the annual Charles Gore lecture.
Charles Lyell
Sir Charles Lyell, the distinguished geologist, was buried in the north aisle of the nave. He was the eldest son of Charles and Frances.
Charles Kingsley
Writer, Poet and Priest/Minister
A bust to writer and poet Charles Kingsley has been moved from St George's chapel to Poets' Corner. By T. Woolner.
Charles Darwin
Scientist and Writer
Charles Robert Darwin, naturalist, is buried in the north aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey, not far from Sir Isaac Newton. His memorial is by J.E. Boehm.
Charles III
King Charles III was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 6th May 2023.
A Reflection on history
Friday, 12th June 2020
I have been watching the film of Edward Colston’s statue emerging from Bristol’s Floating Harbour. The statue stood on the city centre Watershed, perhaps five hundred metres from Bristol Cathedral.