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162 results found, displaying page 2 of 9
Dr John Wilson
Musician and Composer
In the Little Cloister is the grave of Dr John Wilson, distinguished lutenist and chamber musician to Charles I. He was born in Faversham, Kent.
Dr William Turner
Musician and Composer
Dr William Turner, singer and composer, was buried with his wife in the west cloister. For the coronation of James II he wrote two anthems.
Dr John Rae
Explorer and Physician
On 30 September 2014 a memorial stone to Dr John Rae, explorer, was unveiled in St John the Evangelist chapel in Westminster Abbey.
Westminster Abbey marks 50th anniversary of the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Wednesday, 4th April 2018
Rediscovering Justice: A Service of Hope on the 50th anniversary of the death of the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr was held at Westminster Abbey at noon on Wednesday 4th April 2018. The service was attended by HRH The Duke of Kent.
James Hawkey installed as Canon Theologian
Monday, 21st January 2019
The Reverend Dr James Hawkey was installed as a Canon of Westminster during Evensong at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 19th January 2019.
David Hoyle appointed new Dean of Westminster
Wednesday, 19th June 2019
Her Majesty The Queen has approved the appointment of the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle as the new Dean of Westminster.
The Queen presents Dean with KCVO
Wednesday, 30th October 2019
Her Majesty The Queen presented the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, with the KCVO at his farewell audience at Buckingham Palace today.
Arctic explorer's memorial unveiled
Tuesday, 30th September 2014
A memorial to the Orkney-born Arctic explorer Dr John Rae (1813-1893) was dedicated in the Chapel of St John the Evangelist, Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 30th September 2014.
Dean of Westminster to retire in November next year
Friday, 28th September 2018
The Dean of Westminster announced today (Friday 28th September) that he will retire next year on 1st November 2019 after 13 years at Westminster Abbey.
John Hall retires as Dean of Westminster
Friday, 1st November 2019
The Very Reverend Dr John Hall has retired after 13 years as Dean of Westminster. He presided at a valedictory Eucharist on Friday 1st November.
The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle KCVO MBE
Find out more about the 39th Dean of Westminster, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle MBE.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu from South Africa, and The Very Reverend Dr Wesley Carr
Sunday, 7th March 2004
Archbishop Tutu and Dr Carr are standing in the Nave of Westminster Abbey, by the Grave of the Unknown Warrior after Archbishop Tutu had preached on Sunday 7 March 2004.
Dr Edge Watchorn
Find out about Dr Edge Watchorn, Director of the Westminster Abbey Institute.
John Hall installed as new Dean of Westminster
Saturday, 2nd December 2006
In a ceremony which drew on the historic origins of the post, he became responsible for day-to-day management and worship at Westminster Abbey, one of the best-known churches in the world.
Dean of Westminster gives One People Oration
Tuesday, 22nd October 2019
The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, gave this year’s One People Oration at Westminster Abbey on Monday 21st October 2019.
Abbey announces new Dean
Tuesday, 19th September 2006
Canon John Hall has been appointed as the new Dean of Westminster.
Responsibility for the care of the Chapter House passed to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster
Saturday, 15th May 2004
The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr Wesley Carr and the Chief Executive of English Heritage, Dr Simon Thurley, celebrated an important agreement for the ancient Chapter House and Pyx Chamber on 10th May 2004.
Dean installed as Honorary Canon of Chichester
Monday, 22nd January 2018
The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, was installed as an Honorary Canon of Chichester Cathedral at Evensong on Saturday 20th January 2018.
Bishop of Rambsury consecrated
Friday, 21st September 2012
The Reverend Canon Dr Edward Condry, Canon Treasurer of Canterbury Cathedral, was ordained to the episcopate as the new Suffragan Bishop of Ramsbury in the Diocese of Salisbury by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr Rowan Williams, Primate of All England and Metropolitan, and other bishops at a Eucharist in Westminster Abbey on Friday 21st September 2012.
On truth telling and storytelling
Thursday, 23rd May 2024
Canon Dr Paula Gooder, Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral, gives the annual Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture.