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151 results found, displaying page 2 of 8
Sermon given at the Sung Eucharist on the feast of Christ the King 2021
Sunday, 21st November 2021
Sermon given at the Sung Eucharist on the feast of Christ the King 2021: Pax Christi in regno Christi—‘the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ’. In January 1922, Pope Benedict.
Sermon given at Evensong on the Second Sunday of Epiphany 2022
Sunday, 16th January 2022
Sermon given at Evensong on the Second Sunday of Epiphany 2022: The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity On Tuesday we begin the annual week of prayer for Christian Unity. Back in the.
Sermon given at Evensong on the Ninth Sunday after Trinity 2022
Sunday, 14th August 2022
Sermon given at Evensong on the Tenth Sunday after Trinity 2022: Whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom will he explain the message? “Whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom.
Sermon Evensong Lent 5 2024
Monday, 1st January 0001
Sermon preached at the Sung Eucharist on the Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday, 28th July 2024
The feeding of the five-thousand.
Nicholas Rowe (1674-1718)
Curator Dr Susan Jenkins shares more about the lives and poetry of nine Poet Laureates who are buried or memorialised in Poets' Corner.
18. Elizabeth of York
Ahead of the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort on 6 May, we’ll be sharing stories from each of the 38 Coronation services held here since 1066.
18. Henry VII, crowned and buried in the Abbey
Ahead of the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort on 6 May, we’ll be sharing stories from each of the 38 Coronation services held here since 1066.
St Luke the Evangelist
the Abbey bells are rung for St Luke's Day (transferred from 18 October) following Evensong at about 5.45 pm
Virtual tours
Take a virtual tour inside Westminster Abbey. View treasures including the Grave of the Unknown Warrior, the High Altar and the Coronation Chair in detail.
Volunteer at Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a wonderful place for groups under the age of 25 to explore big questions. We want to welcome all community groups, making visits free where we can and tailoring sessions to your interests.
The Commonwealth and Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey, as a royal church, celebrates the Commonwealth all year round, including at a special service in March. Either in person or virtually, we welcome schools from across the Commonwealth to join one our sessions, led by experienced learning officers who can bringing learning to life, in line with your programmes of study.
Visit us as part of your trip to London. We welcome overseas school and university groups for self-led tours on weekdays from September to July.
Planen Sie Ihren Besuch
Wir möchten, dass Ihr Besuch der Abbey sicher und angenehm verläuft. Daher haben wir einige hilfreiche Informationen zusammengestellt, die Sie bei der Vorbereitung unterstützen.
Planear a sua visita
Queremos que a sua visita à Abadia seja agradável e segura. Para tal, oferecemos algumas dicas úteis para o ajudar a preparar a sua visita.
Planifique su visita
Deseamos que su visita a la Abadía resulte segura y agradable. Por eso, le ofrecemos algunos consejos útiles que le ayudarán a prepararse.
Tervezze meg látogatását
Azt szeretnénk, hogy az apátság meglátogatása biztonságos és élvezetes legyen, ezért hasznos tippeket kínálunk, hogy megtervezhesse látogatását.
The Great O Antiphons
Discover the Great O Antiphons with Westminster Abbey, and take part in this Advent tradition.
Judges service marks start of the 2020 legal year
The annual Judges Service was held at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 1st October 2020.
Ecumenical Patriarch and Archbishop of Canterbury attend Evensong
Wednesday, 4th November 2015
Evensong at Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 3rd November was held in the presence of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, and His Grace The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby.
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I Archbishop of Canterbury Special Service