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The Charles Gore Lecture 2009
Sunday, 29th November 2009
Charles Darwin has probably had more impact on religious belief than anyone else born in the last 200 years.
The Charles Gore Lecture 2010
Monday, 29th November 2010
A discussion chaired by Dr Nicholas Sagovsky, Canon Theologian, Westminster Abbey with Ms Eithne D’Auria, Professor Norman Doe, Professor Mark Hill QC and Reverend Professor Aidan McGrath OFM
A brief history of Westminster Abbey
L'Abbaye de Westminster est le lieu de couronnement des rois depuis celui de Guillaume le Conquérant en 1066. Elle a également vu de nombreux mariages et enterrements royaux, sans parler des célébrations nationales et autres commémorations.
Explore our History
Explore our History:.
The Charles Gore Lecture 2005 No. 1
Tuesday, 15th February 2005
Before I moved to Westminster Abbey, I used to live near an Immigration Detention Centre. Three years ago, just before Christmas, I heard there was no priest working at the Chaplaincy.
Charles Gore Lecture 2023
Friday, 3rd March 2023
Ahead of the coronation of His Majesty The King in Westminster Abbey in May this year, The Reverend Dr James Hawkey reflects on A Theology of Monarchy for the 21st Century.
The Charles Gore Lecture 2017
Tuesday, 7th February 2017
Speaker: Marilynne Robinson; Chair - The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster
24th Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture
Thursday, 14th May 2009
Delivered by The Reverend Professor Alister E. McGrath, Professor of Theology, Ministry & Education King's College London at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 14th May 2009.
One People Oration 2006
Wednesday, 22nd February 2006
Speaker: Mr Tony Colman (former Chair, UK Parliament UN Group)
The Sermon preached at the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III
Saturday, 6th May 2023
The Sermon preached at the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III: We are here to crown a King, and we crown a King to serve. We are here to crown a.
Westminster Abbey is a treasure house of paintings, stained glass, textiles and artefacts – and is also where some significant people are buried or remembered.
Temp History
Temp History:.
The present Abbey building dates mainly from the reign of Henry III. In 1245 he pulled down the eastern part of the 11th century Abbey.
Celebrating the re-building of Westminster Abbey 1269 in the presence of HM The Queen
Tuesday, 15th October 2019
Our celebration today marks a particular moment in the long history of this Abbey Church.
Sermon given at Evensong on the Third Sunday of Lent 2022
Sunday, 20th March 2022
Sermon given at Evensong on the Third Sunday of Lent 2022: The story of Jacob’s ladder is one which has a fascinating reception history. On Christmas Day 1950, a remarkable theft was.
Sermon given at Evensong on the Second Sunday of Easter 2023
Sunday, 16th April 2023
Sermon given at Evensong on the Second Sunday of Easter 2023: The end of today’s second reading is perhaps the finest cliffhanger in history. The end of today’s second reading is perhaps.
Advent II Reflection: God who wants to be known
Sunday, 8th December 2024
"God wants to be known in history" says The Reverend Canon Mark Birch, as he reflects on the Luke's gospel for the Second Sunday of Advent.
Ein kurzer geschichtlicher Überblick der Westminster Abbey
Die Westminster Abbey ist seit dem Jahr 1066, als Wilhelm der Eroberer König wurde, Krönungskirche. In der Abbey haben zudem zahlreiche königliche Hochzeiten und Begräbnisse, nationale Feierlichkeiten und Gedenkfeiern stattgefunden.
Een korte geschiedenis van Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is al sinds 1066 de kroningskerk, toen Willem de Veroveraar er gekroond werd. Ook hebben er in de Abbey tal van koninklijke huwelijken, begrafenissen en nationale vieringen en herdenkingen plaatsgevonden.
Uma breve História da Abadia de Westminster
A Abadia de Westminster é a igreja de coroação desde 1066, aquando da coroação de Guilherme, o Conquistador. Também foi palco de inúmeros casamentos e funerais reais, assim como de celebrações e comemorações nacionais.