The Venerable David Stanton, Sub-Dean, Archdeacon and Canon of Westminster

The Reverend David Stanton

Sub-Dean and Canon Treasurer

David Stanton is Sub-Dean and Canon Treasurer, with oversight responsibility for all financial affairs and all matters relating to the fabric of the Abbey. He is also a Distinguished Friend of Oxford University, Trustee of Pusey House, Oxford, Honorary Fellow at Westminster University and Governor at Westminster School. He is appointed by the Prime Minister to the Senior Salaries Review Body, the Master & Fellows at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to their Remuneration Committee and elected by UK Independent School Governing Bodies to the Board of AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies for Independent Schools).

In 2023 he completed appointments as Vice Chair of Court at Westminster University and Independent member of the Public Services Honours Committee. He was previously Church Commissioner for England, Non-Executive at the Wales Audit Office, Secretary of State Member at the Dartmoor National Park Authority, and for most of the last decade, Senior Independent Member of Oxford University Research Ethics Committee.

David was installed as a Canon of Westminster in October 2013, having served for over 8 years as a Residentiary Canon (Precentor and Pastor) at Worcester cathedral. As a former DDO (Diocesan Director of Ordinands) he Chaired national Bishops' Advisory Panels (2005-2017) for the assessment and selection of candidates for Ordained Ministry.

He was trained at Cuddesdon Theological College, Oxford and Ordained in 1985. He holds Master's degrees from the Universities of St Andrews and Exeter and maintains a professional attention to both financial markets and the conservation of historic buildings. His other interests include the arts, cricket and fly-fishing. He is married with two daughters.