The Koinonia Lectures

The Koinonia lectures offer an opportunity to engage with the latest research from a wide range of theological and ecclesiological thinkers.

The programme draws on distinguished speakers from international and ecumenical contexts and explores a diverse range of topics.

Each lecture comprises a 45-minute presentation followed by a question and answer session. Everyone is welcome to attend the events, which are free of charge, but booking is essential.

Upcoming lectures

The ‘Ecumenism of Blood’ in a multicultural context – a reflection on Nigeria’s situation

Monday 17th March, 1.00pm

Join us for the second of this term's seminars, as the Abbey's inaugural Commonwealth Theologian in Residence, the Reverend Dr Ishaya Anthony, reflects on the ongoing persecution of Christians in Nigeria. Applying concepts of human dignity, neighbourly love, and religious solidarity, this lecture explores what Pope Francis has called the 'ecumenism of blood' in Nigeria's multicultural and multireligious context. 

Places are free, but should be booked in advance.

Previous lectures

Watch a range of previous lectures from 2024 and 2025.

Christian Witness in a Crisis-Shaped World

Monday 13th January, 1.00pm

Between climate change, an unequal economic system, and widespread human migration, human societies are under stress and strain like never before. And just at the moment when the world needs to hear good news, many people perceive the church as too old, tired, or out-of-touch to respond.

Watch as Jesse Zink’ discusses the nature of Christian witness in our changing and challenging times.

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Making Deification Real - the Goal of Christian Life in Eastern Christianity

Watch Paul Gavrilyuk, Aquinas Chair in Theology and Philosophy in the Theology Department of the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, discuss the goal of Christian life.


Koinonia lecture

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Speaking of Human Flourishing

Nadia Marais, a Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, an ordained minister in the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa.


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More lectures to watch

Watch recordings from the 2023 - 2024 Koinonia Lecture series

Watch recordings from the 2022 - 2023 Koinonia Lecture series