Westminster Abbey honour for Lord Wilson

Wednesday, 12th June 2013

Westminster Abbey honour for Lord Wilson

A memorial ledger stone in the north-west corner of the nave of Westminster Abbey to The Right Honourable The Lord Wilson of Rievaulx, KG, OBE, FRS was dedicated on Tuesday 11th June 2013.

The service was conducted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall.

Lord Wilson (11 March 1916 – 24 May 1995) was the Labour Prime Minister from 1964 to 1970 and 1974 to 1976. His ledger stone is near the place where Earl Attlee’s ashes were interred at a memorial service attended by Harold Wilson as Prime Minister in 1967.

Professor The Honourable Robin Wilson asked the Dean, on behalf of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, to take the memorial into the safe custody of the Abbey.


The Reverend Andrew Tremlett, Canon of Westminster and Rector of St Margaret’s Church, read St Luke 10: 25-37. The Right Reverend Stephen Platten, Bishop of Wakefield, read De Spiritu Amicitia 1-45 adapted from Ælred of Rievaulx.

The Address was given by the Right Honourable The Baroness Williams of Crosby.

James Bowman CBE, accompanied by Dorothy Linell (lute), sang An Evening Hymn by Henry Purcell.

Prayers were led by the Reverend Dr James Hawkey, Minor Canon and Sacrist of Westminster.

Flowers were laid at the memorial by the great-grandchildren of Lord Wilson and at the conclusion of the service the Dean read the poem Sunset composed by his widow Lady Wilson.

See also:

The Address, given by the Right Honourable The Baroness Williams of Crosby