The Reverend Andrew Tremlett installed as a Canon of Westminster

Friday, 8th October 2010

The Reverend Andrew Tremlett installed as a Canon of Westminster

The Reverend Andrew Tremlett was installed as a Canon of Westminster during Evensong at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 9th October 2010.

At the Installation the Legal Secretary of the Abbey, Christopher Vyse, presented and read The Queen’s Grant and Mandamus in the presence of the Dean & Chapter of Westminster and the Collegiate body.

Canon Tremlett read the Latin Declaration and was led to his vacant stall in the Quire of the Abbey Church by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall.

During the service Canon Jane Hedges read Zechariah 8: 14-end and Canon Andrew Tremlett read John 20: 19-end.

The sermon was given by the Dean.

The service was sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey conducted by the Sub-Organist Robert Quinney. The organ was played by the Assistant Organist James McVinnie

Canon Tremlett, Rector of St Margaret’s Church at the Abbey, was previously Canon Residentiary at Bristol Cathedral responsible for the Fabric and the Cathedral’s development plan. From June 2009 to May 2010 he was Acting Dean of Bristol.

See also

The Order of Service (PDF, 67 KB)

The sermon given by the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster