Responsibility for the care of the Chapter House passed to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Saturday, 15th May 2004

Responsibility for the care of the Chapter House passed to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster

The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr Wesley Carr and the Chief Executive of English Heritage, Dr Simon Thurley, celebrated an important agreement for the ancient Chapter House and Pyx Chamber on 10th May 2004.

The agreement means that the responsibility for the care of this building has passed to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.

Dr Thurley said

This is something that both English Heritage and the Dean and Chapter have wished to achieve for some time - it will help people understand this building in the context of the Abbey.

The Chapter House dates from 1250 and was where the day-to-day business of the (then) Benedictine Monastery took place. Of octagonal design with a central column supporting the roof vaulting, it contains well-preserved medieval wall paintings and an exceptional tiled floor. Early parliament's in the latter half of the 14th century, also made use of this remarkable building.