New Minor Canon installed

Monday, 13th September 2010

New Minor Canon installed

The Reverend Dr James Hawkey was installed as a Minor Canon of Westminster during Evensong at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 11th September 2010.

The Abbey’s two Minor Canons are responsible for all worship and liturgy in the Abbey, in St Margaret's Church, and in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft within the Palace of Westminster. This includes the singing of daily choral evensong and the celebration of the eucharist, the provision of Sunday worship, as well as weddings, memorial services, and the very many special and annual services which the Abbey provides for the nation: for the church, the Royal Family, and very many national and international organisations.

Brighton-born Dr Hawkey, who is 31, joins the Abbey from St Mary’s Portsea where he has been a curate for the past three years. He trained at Westcott House in Cambridge during which time he studied for his doctorate in Ecclesiology.

He joins the Reverend Michael Macey in the Minor Canons’ office as a successor to the Reverend Graeme Napier who has been appointed Canon Precentor of St George’s Cathedral in Perth, Australia.