Judges Service

Wednesday, 1st October 2008

Judges Service

The annual Judges Service took place at Westminster Abbey on Wednesday 1st October 2008.

In his Bidding, the Dean of Westminster, The Very Revd Dr John Hall said:

We seek God’s strength and guidance that we might remain true to the highest legal traditions, subtle as we apply ourselves to the causes before us and wise as we influence the development of the law.

Lessons were read by The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Rt Hon Jack Straw MP (Leviticus 19: 1-2, 15-18); and the Lord Chief Justice, The Rt Hon The Lord Judge (I John 4: 7-12, 17-21).

The preacher was The Right Worshipful Dr Sheila Cameron, CBE QC. Prayers were led by the Revd Graeme Napier, Minor Canon of Westminster.

The service was sung by the Choir directed by James O’Donnell, Organist and Master of Choristers. The organ was played by Robert Quinney, Sub Organist.