Dean’s tribute to Twin Towers victims

Wednesday, 11th September 2013

Dean’s tribute to Twin Towers victims

Commonwealth citizens who lost their lives in the terrorist attack on New York’s World Trade Centre on 11th September 2001 were remembered at the Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Garden in Lower Manhattan.

Originally designed to remember the 67 British citizens who died in the attack the Garden’s trustees later extended the project to include victims from the Commonwealth.

On 2nd May 2012, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, formally renamed the Garden ‘The Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden’ thus officially dedicating the Garden as the memorial for all the Commonwealth victims of the September 11 attacks, as well as honouring Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee.

Dr Hall said today:

September 11th 2001 remains a vivid memory not only for those who lost relatives and friends in the terrible events of that day but for countless men and women around the world of all faiths and none. Twelve years later, our world still suffers the impact of those events.
In particular at the Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden, we remember the men and women of the United Kingdom and of the Commonwealth who lost their lives. We remember too their relatives and friends and all who suffer as a result of the attacks.
We at Westminster Abbey are privileged to have a permanent association with this oasis of peace and blessing in the heart of New York. Our prayer this day is that all who remember with personal suffering may have inner peace. And for our world we pray that pain and conflict may be replaced by peace and concord.