Dean of Westminster preaches in New York

Friday, 18th May 2012

Dean of Westminster preaches in New York

The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, embarked on a two week trip to the East Coast of the USA from 30th April to 14th May.

The Dean gave a series of five lectures on the Abbey to big audiences in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington DC. He also preached at St Mark’s in Philadelphia and St Thomas’s 5th Avenue in New York.

During the trip Dr Hall was interviewed by USA Today and by CNN, NBC, ABC, and Fox television channels and by the Boston Herald and Washington Post newspapers. He appeared on the late night Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which attracts over two million viewers each night.

At the start of the trip the Dean formally dedicated the Queen Elizabeth II Garden which memorialises the British and Commonwealth victims of the Twin Towers attack. The garden was constructed at Hanover Square, close to Ground Zero which the Abbey team also visited. The Abbey hopes to maintain a longstanding link to the Queen Elizabeth II Garden.

Picture: Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York City

See also:

Sermon given at St Thomas Church Fifth Avenue NYC on Sunday 13th May 2012 (Transcript)

Sermon given at St Mark’s Church, Philadelphia, USA on Sunday 6th May 2012 (Transcript)

Sermon given at St Mark’s Church, Philadelphia, USA on Sunday 6th May 2012 (MP3)