Richard Murray

Captain Richard Murray, Royal Navy, was buried in the west cloister of Westminster Abbey on 30th December 1788 aged 53. But he has no monument or marker. He died in Marsham Street, Westminster.  He was the youngest son of Alexander Murray of Cringletie, Peebles in Scotland and his wife Catherine (daughter of Sir Robert Stewart of Tillicoultry). His brother was Colonel James Murray and his sister was Jean. By 1781 he was a captain. He left money in his will to an illegitimate son Richard Murray Brown, scholar at Christ's Hospital. To Jane Brown he left his possessions and money for life.

Jane, wife of Gilbert Salton, was buried in the north cloister on 27th January 1809 aged 46. She resided in College Street near the Abbey and called Richard her uncle. Her only child was Jane. Her brother Lt. Henry Hicks was in the Royal Navy.




West Cloister

Richard Murray
West cloister

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster