Lewis Prowde (Proud)

Lewis Prowde (or Proud) was buried on 16th January 1617 at the entrance to St Benedict's chapel in Westminster Abbey but nothing marks his grave. He was steward of the Abbey manors and lands from 1610 (jointly with Sir James Whitelocke) and he was also solicitor to the Dean and Chapter. In 1590 he married Ursula Trappes and they had a son Thomas (she may have been the Ursula Proud buried in St Margaret's church Westminster on 1st December 1640). Lewis was at Lincoln's Inn and a justice of assize for three shires in Wales as well as a governor or Sutton's Hospital. From 1610 he leased the manor of Westbury in Wiltshire from the Dean and Chapter.

Further reading

Acts of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster 1543-1609 and 1609-1642 edited by C.S. Knighton, 1999 & 2006




Chapel of St Benedict

Lewis Prowde (Proud)
Chapel of St Benedict

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster