Jonathan Chadwick Durden

Jonathan Chadwick Durden was buried in the east cloister of Westminster Abbey on 17th August 1782. His grave is just by the gates and can now only be faintly read but the inscription is:

Sacred to the memory of Jonathan Chadwick Durden Esqr. one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Middlesex and City and Liberty of Westminster who died 11 August 1782 aged 62 years

His wife was Lucy and his daughter Susanna (wife of Thomas Pettit junior). He died at his house in St Margaret's Street.


11th August 1782


17th August 1782


Cloisters; East Cloister

Memorial Type


Jonathan Chadwick Durden
Jonathan Chadwick Durden grave

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster