Gilbert Thornburgh
Gilbert Thornburgh, Gentleman of the Cellar to the King, was buried in the north aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey. A white marble cartouche with a winged cherub head was erected in the window splay nearby. The Latin inscription can be translated:
Sacred to the pious memory of G.T. Here lies Gilbert Thornburgh, who was always faithful to his God, his Prince, and his friends, formerly an earthly, now a heavenly courier. It shall be no more said in the age to come, who would become good must leave the court, when such a shining piety as his shall appear there. He died 6 October 1677, aged 56.
The coat of arms shows "ermine, fretty, a chief argent" with a crest of a fox.
His wife was Sarah. He had brothers Thomas and John and sisters Jane, Anne and Elizabeth who were mentioned in his will.
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster