Francis Fitzmaurice, Earl of Kerry
Francis Fitzmaurice, 3rd Earl of Kerry and his wife Anastasia are buried in St Andrew's chapel in Westminster Abbey. He erected a large monument to his wife which consists of an altar tomb of white marble with a pyramidal tablet on which is carved an ermine-lined mantle drawn into festoons at the side and surmounted by a coronet. The sculptor was G. Buckham. The inscription reads:
To the affectionately beloved and honoured memory of ANASTASIA COUNTESS OF KERRY, daughter of the late PETER DALY Esquire of Quansbury in the county of Galway in Ireland who departed this life on the 9th and was deposited here on the 18th day of April 1799. Her most afflicted husband FRANCIS THOMAS, EARL OF KERRY whom she rendered during 31 years the happiest of mankind, not only by an affection which was bounded only by her love for God, and to which there never was a single moments interruption, but also by the practice of the purest religion and piety, of charity and benevolence, of truth and sincerity, of the sweetest and most angelic meekness and simplicity, and of every virtue that can adorn the human mind, has placed this inscription to bear testimony of his gratitude to her, of his admiration of her innumerable virtues, and of his most tender and affectionate love for her, intending (when it shall please God to release him from his misery and call him from this world) to be deposited with her here in the same coffin, and hoping that his merciful God will consider the severe blow which it has pleased his Divine will to inflict upon him, in taking from him the dearest, the most beloved, the most charming, and the most faithful and affectionate companion that ever blessed man together with the load of his succeeding sorrows as an expiation of his past offences, and that he will grant him His grace so to live as that he may, through His divine mercy, and through the precious intercession of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hope for the blessing of being soon united with her in eternal happiness. "In death they were not divided". FRANCIS THOMAS EARL OF KERRY died July 4th 1818, aged 78
On the base is inscribed:
His remains, according to the wish above expressed, are here deposited in the same tomb with his "affectionately beloved Anastasia", whose loss he long and severely deplored; upon her death retiring from the world, he passed the remainder of his days in privacy and seclusion. Piety to God, and benevolence to man were the principles which occupied his thoughts and directed his life. Actuated by a lively sense of religion, he enjoyed that serenity of mind and cheerfulness of temper by which Christianity is so peculiarly distinguished. His extensive bounties were dispensed with liberal but secret munificence; seldom disclosing even to those whom they relieved, the source whence they flowed. Public institutions, distressed individuals, private friends, experienced the benefit of his well regulated economy; demonstrating that though he had shrunk from the hurry of the world, he had not forgotten its most important duties; ever studious to fulfil those two great commandments; on which he had been taught by his divine Master; "hang all the law and the prophets".
He was the only son of William Fitzmaurice, 2nd Earl of Kerry and his second wife Lady Gertrude Lambart and was born in Dublin in 1740. Anastasia was first married to her cousin Charles Daly but they divorced. In 1768 she married Francis but had no children. The titles went to a cousin Henry, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne.
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster