Ellen Glynne
Ellen Glynne was buried in the vault of General George Monck in the north aisle of the Lady Chapel in Westminster Abbey on 25th January 1733. It is not clear what relationship she was to this family.
She was the daughter and coheir of John Glynne of Glynllifon in Carnarvon, Wales, and his wife Elizabeth (daughter of Sir Hugh Owen 1st Baronet of Orielton in Pembroke). She died aged 78 and in her will she bequeathed various mansions and lands to Hugh Lloyd including her mansion called Plas Newydd in Anglesey in trust to build almshouses for twelve "decayed maiden gentlewomen above fifty years of age", preference being given to her own poor relations. Her other bequests were to Lady Gertrude Hotham, Catharine Jones and Margaret Lloyd. Her only sister Frances married Sir Thomas Wynn, ancestor of Lord Newborough.
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