Edward Glanvill

Edward Glanvill was buried in the south cloister of Westminster Abbey, adjoining the stone to William Shield. The stone is a little faint but reads:

Mr Edward Glanvill, clerk of the works of this Collegiate Church, died March 2 1808 aged 37 years

He was born on September 25th 1770 and baptised at St Margaret's Westminster, son of Edward and Elizabeth. From 1803 to his death he was Clerk of Works at the Abbey and was in partnership with his cousin Jeremiah who succeeded him in this office from 1808-1822. On 8th June 1797 in St Margaret's he married Margaret Bertie and children Thomas William and Emily are mentioned in his will. A Benjamin Glanvill was Clerk of Works from 1822 until his dismissal in 1826 and it is assumed he was a relation of Jeremiah.


25th September 1770


2nd March 1808


Cloisters; South Cloister

Memorial Type


Edward Glanvill
South Cloister

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster