Charlotte, Baroness Delawarr
Charlotte, Baroness Delawarr (De la Warr) was buried in the south aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey (in front of the Bovey monument) on 16th February 1735, aged 34. The grave is not marked and she never seems to have had any inscription.
She was Lady Charlotte MacCarthy, daughter of Donogh, 4th Earl of Clancarty and his wife Lady Elizabeth Spencer,daughter of Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland. The parents were married in the Abbey on 31st December 1684. Donogh had been forced to live abroad due to his allegiance to exiled King James II and died in Hamburg in 1734. Charlotte was the first wife of John West, 7th Lord Delawarr who was created Earl Delawarr in 1761. They were married secretly on 25th May 1721 and had two sons (son John succeeded his father) and three daughters. John was a Member of Parliament and served as a Brigadier General at the battle of Dettingen. He was also Ambassador to Saxe Gotha, Governor of New York 1737, Governor of Guernsey and Treasurer of the Household, among other posts. He was buried in St Margaret's church Westminster on 22nd March 1766 aged 72 but has no marker or memorial there.
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster