Bridget Holmes
Bridget Holmes, a servant to the royal household, was buried in the north cloister of Westminster Abbey on 26th October 1691. Her grave was at the western end of this cloister but her grave inscription has worn away. In a book about the Abbey published in 1723 the inscription is given as:
Here lies the body of Bridget Holmes, widow, who died October 23 1691 aged 100 years on St Luke's Eve last and served King Charles I and II, King James II and King William
St Luke's Day is 18th October so she was 100 on the evening prior to that. The cloister area is normally where Abbey or Parliamentary officials and servants were buried, or those who lived nearby. Nothing more is known about Bridget's life or family.
A portrait of her by John Riley is in the Royal Collection and normally hangs in Windsor Castle.
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster