Benjamin and Richard Forbes
In the chapel of St Andrew in Westminster Abbey is a white marble monument to brothers Benjamin and Richard Forbes. This was originally in St John the Evangelist's chapel but was moved and is now above the monument to the Earl of Kerry. The sculptor was John Bacon junior and it shows a relief of a figure of Affection mourning beside two urns beneath a weeping willow. Below is a lion, a flag and other military trophies.
The inscription reads:
To commemorate the early and similar fates of Benjamin John Forbes, late Lieut. in His Majesty's 74th Regt.of Foot; and Richard Gordon Forbes, late Lieut. in the 1st Regt. of Foot Guards; the eldest sons of Lt.Gen. Gordon Forbes, Colonel of the 29th Regt. of Foot, and Margaret his wife, eldest daughter of the late Benj. Sullivan Esq. of Dromenagh in the county of Cork. Both of whom fell in the service of their King and country, deeply regretted by their regiments, and the detachment of the army with which they served: the former at the assault of Kistnagherry in the East Indies the 12th of November 1791 aged 19 years; the latter near Alkmaar in North Holland, the 19th of September 1799 aged 20 years. This monument, no less a tribute of justice to exemplary merit, than a record of the tenderest parental sense of filial piety, is erected and dedicated A.D.1803
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster