Thomas Owen
In the south choir aisle is the tomb of the eminent judge Thomas Owen. His reclining effigy in judicial robes rests on his elbow. The Latin inscription can be translated as:
Sacred to the Triune God expecting the second coming of Christ our Redeemer, under this tomb lies Thomas Owen Esq. son of Richard Owen, by Mary, daughter of Thomas Otley of the county of Salop [Shropshire] Esq., who from his youth instructed in the study of the municipal laws of England, so prospered in industrious application, readiness and judgment, that he was first chosen Serjeant at Law to Queen Elizabeth, afterwards one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, among whom he had sat five years with singular integrity, equity and commendable prudence, And by Sarah his wife, only daughter and heir of Humphrey Baskervile, had had five sons and as many daughters. And married Alice his second wife, who survives him. He devoutly slept in Christ the 21st day of December in the year of our Redemption 1598. Roger Owen, his most afflicted son, hath, as a proof of his officious duty, and regard to the memory of this best of fathers, erected this monument. The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God.
He was born at Conover in Shropshire, the eldest son of Richard and Mary. He attended Oxford university and in 1562 was admitted to Lincoln's Inn. By 1572 he had married Sarah. As well as the offices mentioned in his epitaph he was Member of Parliament for Shrewsbury. His son Roger (1573-1617) was also an eminent barrister and M.P. and married Ursula Elkin (they had two daughters). Sir William Owen was another son. Alice (d.1613), daughter of Thomas Wilkes, was Thomas’s second wife but they had no children.
Further reading for Thomas, Roger and Alice
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Some wills of the family can be obtained via The National Archives website
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster
This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library
Image © 2025 Dean and Chapter of Westminster